
In the active landscape of junior year, our students start to think about next steps after high school. Over a span of nine months, they navigate the complexities of college applications, understand job shadows and internships, all while keeping up their grades and resumes.

At DCIS, high school juniors undertake an additional challenge: Passages. This rigorous project consumes their junior year: they select a topic of personal interest, conduct thorough research, craft a project, and deliver a presentation of learning.

Participation is not optional; completion of Passages is a requirement for obtaining a DCIS high school diploma. Despite its demanding nature, students embrace the project passionately, as it is both enriching and essential preparation for the challenges they will encounter in college, their careers, and beyond.

Read through the projects of our amazing DCIS students and experience firsthand how they navigate this remarkable journey.

Class of 2025 Passages

Mario Markus-DiPrince: Quintessence

Saphira Protsman: Palm and Tarot Card Readings

Evelyn Chavez-Cordova: Resource Drive

Chris Aziagbe: Jehovah’s Witnesses/Watchtower; The True Story of the Watchtower

Phoenix Davis: Art Anatomy Investigation

Saphira Protsman: It’s All Connected

Noah Gonzalez-Garcia: Basketball Community

Samuel Viacava Jr: Ice Caps Melting And The Amazon Deforestation

Mau Lino-Pinedo: Basketball Community

Valeria Barraza-Herrera: Casa de Paz

Samantha Custodi: Teaching Kids in an Art Class

Ingrid Garcia-Vazquez: Gender Inclusion In the sport of Soccer

Scarlett Guerrero: Social Media Detox Trip

Cade Humphreys: Bicycle Infrostructure

Jordy Juarez-Vazquez: Video Game Tournament

Camila Kunrath: Giving Back: Breast Cancer

Jahnara Ornelas: New Borns in Need

Ayleen Rascon-Camacho: Spreading Hope: Breast Cancer

Alain Sanchez-Pantoja: Backpack Drive for DCIS Fairmont

Justino Vargas-Ortega Jr.: Car Show

Gustavo Barreto-Rosas: Gambling Addiction

Madeleine Doyle: Building a Free Little Library

Alyssa Gazotti: Alpha

Uziel Lara-Excobedo: Indoor Skydiving

Jordan Martinez: The Legacy Of Michael Jordan in the NBA

Malia Martinez: The Consumption of Cell Phones

Limna Perez-Lara: First Aid

Samantha Ramirez: How Physical and Sexual Health Affects Your Mental Health

Kimberly Ramirez-Salcido: Technology’s Impact on Children

Sergio Rico: Car Meet

Erik Rivera-Gonzalez: Video Game Tournament

Omar Rodriguez: Soccer Tournament

Avangelene Romero: Alpha

Izel Rosas-Zander: Creating a Song

Diego Sandovol: Basketball Community

Toshi Tena-Honma: Social Basketball

Saul Vergel-Macedonio: Learning How to Draw

Sophia Adams: Cannabis and Psychedelic Educational Lessons

Karla Caldera-Sandoval: Mental Health of OGGYN Nurses

Kelly Casillas-Flores: Effects of Abortion on Obgyn Nurses

Evelyn Chavez-Cordova: Helping Immigrants in Denver

Arianna DelReal-Montoya: East Alcatraz Field Trip

Nayeli Fenton-Ortiz: Mental Health and Happiness

Noah Gonzalez-Garcia: Basketball Community

Mau Lino-Pinedo: Basketball Community

Maria Marin-Salazar: Art Therapy

Xochitl Ochoa: Adolecent Rehab Centers

Chiyo Phan: Spreading Kindness Through Origami

Gabriel Roacho: Playing Guitar

Aileen Robles: Redlining Obstacle Course

Manny Rodriguez: Basketball Community

Jimmy Ryan: Positive Effects of Video Games

Israa Swade: International Festival

Ian Thomas: Prematurity

Samuel Viacava Jr.: Ice Caps Melting And The Amazon Deforestation

Phoenix Davis: Art Anatomy Investigation

Shannel Vasquez: The Evolution of Theoretical Physics