School Supports

Health and Wellness

School Psychologist

Ashley Zenner is our full-time school psychologist. She supports students with with emotional needs, and also with 504 processes.


DCIS has four full-time counselors who work with students in grades 6-12.

  • Tamara Handley
    • 10th-12th grade A-M
  • Julie DeGuire
    • 6th -9th grade A-M
  • Maureen Padilla
    • 10th-12th grade N-Z
  • Caroline Kerswill
    • 6th-9th grade N-Z
    • Native/Indigenous students

Social Worker

As a member of the DCIS mental health team, Ethan Langsdorf is our full-time social worker. He works to support students experiencing homelessness, truancy, food insecurity, emotional needs, and harm reduction. He can be reached at

Health Support

Click here to make an appointment with a member of the DCIS Mental Health Team.

View the complete list of services and location details. The closest Denver Health center to DCIS is the West Campus, 951 Elati Street.


Carter Quinn, the school nurse, is available at DCIS Monday – Friday every day.

  • Available hours 8:00 – 3:00
  • Contact Carter at or call the main line at 720-423-9000 to be connected.


Students may be allowed to take medication at school provided certain requirements are met:

  • The medication must be in the original container, properly labeled with the student’s name, doctor’s name, medication and instructions for administration.
  • Both a parent/guardian and a physician must sign a school medication form, which the parent can obtain from and should return to the school nurse.
  • The student must sign in with the nurse daily (or a designee in her absence) when taking the medication.
  • Parents/guardians are to keep the nurse informed of any changes in the medication dosage or schedule.  


Students who have incomplete immunization records may not attend school unless they complete an exemption form. Students with an exemption from one or more required vaccines may be kept out of school during a disease outbreak.

If you receive a notice requiring immunization, you must bring evidence of having received the immunization to the school nurse.


Mason Good-Turney, our Library Technician, can be reached at


We are committed to providing functioning Chromebooks to all students who needed them and supporting our students to have consistent internet access.

The DCIS School Technology Partner, Isaac Parsons, is a great resource for our community during this time. He is available at