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Multilingual Learner/Gifted Talented Teacher
1-720-423-9027 (voicemail only); 1-720-253-3730 (cell)
Dee Horsburgh was born and raised in Detroit, Michigan. She has traveled to several countries in Central America, Europe and the North Pacific and hopes to continue discovering and learning about new places. In addition, she has not only been to all 50 states, but she has camped in all 50 states.
She loves learning about almost anything and finds engaging things to dig into all the time. A lot of her learning comes from students and families because their stories are so interesting and inspirational. One will find her exploring, chatting with strangers or sitting alone reading — all are her primary sources of learning.
Teaching has been one of her passions since she was in high school. Her favorite high school English teacher suggested she look into teaching as an option because of her curiosity about people and the world.
A favorite quote: “If you asked me what I came to do in this world, I will tell you I came to live out loud.” (Emile Zola)