Current News

DCIS Lacrosse Team!

We’re thrilled to announce the successful completion of DCIS’s inaugural season of lacrosse! As one of the few lacrosse programs within Denver Public Schools, we’re excited to pave the way for the sport’s growth within our community. With enthusiastic participationContinue Reading

Passages Day 1/24

What is Passages Day? On TBA our 11th-grade students will be showcasing their presentations in front of their Passages Committee, fellow students, and staff. This is an incredible experience that many DCIS alumni have described as the most important partContinue Reading

Final Open House January 18th

We are thrilled to invite you to an enriching and informative experience at our upcoming Open House event! At the Denver Center for International Studies (DCIS), we believe in providing a unique and globally-focused education, and our Open House isContinue Reading

American Exchange Project

During the week of July 3 -10, 2024 our school will host seniors who have just graduated from high schools across America in Denver. This is part of our DCIS partnership with the American Exchange Project (AEP) where students get to participate in bothContinue Reading

Free SAT Prep Program

Empower your 11th-grade students with our free eight-week SAT prep program! Led by live, expert teachers, this virtual program aims to elevate SAT scores and enhance college admission prospects. Registration is open Jan. 8-19 for sessions happening Jan. 29-March 23 and Feb. 5-April 5. VisitContinue Reading

Dual Language Program

DCIS is excited to announce the expansion of our dual language program, offering an immersive and enriching educational experience for our incoming 6th graders. This program is designed to provide students with a unique opportunity to develop fluency in twoContinue Reading

Student Successes!

This past month we had our DCIS students engaged in a variety of opportunities around Denver! Two DCIS students have had some amazing accomplishments this year so far! Ringo Hope, a DCIS senior, has received a Congressional Appointment to TheContinue Reading

Schedule Changes for 2024

Office Hours Based on feedback from a variety of stakeholders including parents, students, and teachers, we have changed our bell schedule to support time for students and teachers to work together and offer additional academic support. Starting in January we areContinue Reading

DCIS Open House Tuesday 12/5!

Dear DCIS Community, We are thrilled to invite you to an enriching and informative experience at our upcoming Open House event! At the Denver Center for International Studies (DCIS), we believe in providing a unique and globally-focused education, and ourContinue Reading