Current News

Save the Date: Picture Days – September 7 and 8, 2021

Hi DCIS Students & Families, Please save-the-date for this year’s school picture days set for Tuesday, September 7, and Wednesday, September 8, 2021. You can view and download the form here. Thank you!Denver Center for International Studies

First Day of School Map

We are excited to welcome you back! See the school map for helpful information for the first days back.

Updated Schedules: First 2-Weeks of School and 2021-22 Bell Schedule

Hi DCIS Phoenixes! Hope you’ve had a great summer! We can’t wait to welcome you back soon. Check out the schedules below for the first 2 weeks of school and 2021-22 bell schedule. Thank you,DCIS at Baker ¡Hola DCIS Phoenixes!Continue Reading

Pre-Register Today! Weekend Vaccination Clinic Hosted at DCIS – August 21, 2021

Please share widely and invite others to help spread the word! DCIS at Baker in collaboration with DCIS at Fairmont, Denver West Middle School, West High School, Excel Academy, Munroe Elementary, and RESPECT Academy is excited to offer a vaccinationContinue Reading

DCIS Concurrent Enrollment Registration 2021-22

Students/Parents/Guardians: Welcome back to school! Hope you all had a wonderful Summer! Please take a moment to read and complete the following information: Concurrent enrollment (CE) allows students to earn free college credit while still in high school, giving them aContinue Reading

Welcome Back-to-School Letter – August 9, 2021

Hi DCIS Phoenixes, We can’t wait to welcome you back soon. Please check out our back-to-school letter: Thank you!Denver Center for International Studies

Update: 9th Grade Academy Details – August 9-12, 2021

Welcome 9th Graders!  We are excited to welcome you to DCIS next week for the 9th Grade Academy!  Just a few housekeeping details:  The academy runs from August 9-12, 8:00 am-12:00 pm Please drop your student off in the eastContinue Reading

Update: 6th Grade Academy Details – August 9-12, 2021

Welcome 6th Graders!  We are excited to welcome you to DCIS next week for 6th Grade Academy!  Just a few housekeeping details:  The academy runs from August 9-12, 8:00 am-12:00 pm Please drop your student off in the south parkingContinue Reading

Pre-Register Today! DCIS Vaccination Clinic – August 11, 2021

Please share widely and invite others to help spread the word! DCIS at Baker in collaboration with DCIS at Fairmont, Denver West Middle School, West High School, Excel Academy, Munroe Elementary, and RESPECT Academy is excited to offer a vaccinationContinue Reading