Current News

Please Complete: DCIS Vaccination Clinic Interest Form – August 4, 2021

Greetings DCIS Families and Students! We are planning to host a vaccination clinic at DCIS before school starts to give access to those in our community ages 12+ who want to be vaccinated. Please complete this survey, so we canContinue Reading

Update: Student Vaccinations and COVID-19 Resources – July 21, 2021

07/21/2021 July 21, 2021 Dear DCIS Families and Phoenix Scholars, I am writing to you today to encourage you to become fully vaccinated for COVID-19 and update all vaccine records by the beginning of our 2021-2022 school year. There areContinue Reading

Upcoming Key Dates – July and August 2021

Ready for 2025 Rising Freshmen Program — July 19-August 5 This is a reminder about an amazing ‘bridge experience’ to support rising ninth graders in feeling prepared, supported, and energized for entering high school. If you have NOT yet signed up forContinue Reading

Update: DCIS Online Registration 2021-22 School Year – July 6, 2021

July 6, 2021 Hello DCIS Students and Families, Welcome to the Denver Center for International Studies! We look forward to welcoming you and your family to our campus this fall. Here are some updates as we approach the 2021-22 schoolContinue Reading

New DCIS at Baker Facebook Page

We’re excited to share that we have a new DCIS at Baker Facebook page! Follow us for the latest school updates, important announcements, community resources, messages from our DCIS leadership team, and more.

Update: DCIS Secondary Graduation Portraits Available – May 25, 2021

Hello DCIS Seniors and Families! This year we will be working with Lifetouch Shutterfly for graduation portraits at our commencement ceremony. Lifetouch will photograph our graduates and 3-5 days after the ceremony the portraits will be uploaded to a ShutterflyContinue Reading

Update: COVID-19 Notification Letter – May 24, 2021

May 24, 2021 Dear Denver Center for International Families, It is our priority to keep you informed of incidents related to safety. We want to make you aware that a student or staff member has been diagnosed with COVID-19. WeContinue Reading

DCIS Gifted and Talented Informational Night – May 25, 2021 at 5:30 pm

This event is for all current and incoming DCIS Middle School students Hello DCIS Middle School Families, We are excited to be growing and adapting our Gifted and Talented programming at DCIS! We would love your feedback to help usContinue Reading