Current News

Reminder: No School – Monday, September 27, 2021

Phoenixes! Reminder: There is no school for students on Monday, September 27, 2021.

Advisement First Schedule – For Monday, September 20, 2021

We are beginning with Advisement first on Monday, September 20, 2021. Start and end time for school does not change. This will help us support our students with a restroom policy change. Please view the schedule below:

Middle School Fall Sports Registration

DCIS Middle School Students! If you are interested in participating in flag football or girls volleyball at Denver West, please sign-up using the registration links below: Flag Football: Girls Volleyball:

Pre-Register Today! DCIS Weekend Vaccination Clinic – September 11, 2021

EXCITING UPDATE: For the weekend vaccination clinic on 9/11, there will be $100 Walmart gift cards available for vaccine recipients. Please share widely and invite others to help spread the word! DCIS at Baker in collaboration with DCIS at Fairmont,Continue Reading

DCIS Middle School Families: Afternoon Dismissal Release Form

Middle School Families: Please complete the form here: if you want your middle school child to be able to leave at 3:30 PM on Tuesdays and Wednesdays moving forward. Beginning Wednesday, September 8th, this list will be shared withContinue Reading

Please Read: Letter from DCIS School Nurse

Dear DCIS Students and Families, Our district is following CDC guidelines in wearing masks over the nose and mouth at all times while indoors. Please take the time to read this letter from our school nurse: As a reminder, weContinue Reading

Pre-Register Today! DCIS Vaccination Clinic – September 8, 2021

Please share widely and invite others to help spread the word! DCIS at Baker in collaboration with DCIS at Fairmont, Denver West Middle School, West High School, Excel Academy, Munroe Elementary, and RESPECT Academy is excited to offer a vaccinationContinue Reading

DCIS Middle School After School Program Enrichment Form

Hi DCIS Middle School Students & Families! If you have one or more middle school students who are interested in participating in our daily free After School Enrichment program please fill out the form below! These will begin to run MondayContinue Reading

Please Read: Recent Incident – Thursday, September 2, 2021

September 2, 2021 Dear DCIS community, We are reaching out to let you know about a recent incident that occurred earlier this week. It is incredibly heartbreaking to share that some of our students at DCIS, along with students atContinue Reading