Current News

Have You Completed These Surveys Yet? You Have Until Sunday, May 21!

The Long-term Safety Plan survey is open now through Sunday, May 21. After reviewing version 1.0 of the Long-term Safety Plan, please share your thoughts on this version of the plan by completing the interactive survey. The DPS Your Voice/Tu Voz Family Survey has been extended through Sunday, May 21. This survey is families’Continue Reading

CSC Meeting Tonight

Denver Center for International Studies Collaborative School Committee Agenda Date: January 31, 2023 at 5:30 p.m. through Zoom Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 339 462 3166 Passcode: 525389 CSC Agenda: Link here

13 Signs You Should Stop Being a Pirate

Join us for the “13 Signs You Should Stop Being a Pirate” show presented by the DCIS Drama Club/class in the DCIS auditorium on Friday, Feb. 3 at 6 p.m.

8th Grade Transition & Curiosity Awards Night

Dear Families of 8th grade students, Please join us DCIS is hosting a transition night for current 8th grade students and families to help inform you of how Denver Public high schools manage services for gifted and talented students. TheContinue Reading

Middle School Dance

Join us from 5-7 p.m. on Friday, Feb. 24 for our middle school dance! Tickets go on sale starting Monday, Jan. 30.

Principal Letter on Monterey Park and Gun Safety

January 23, 2023  Dear DCIS Community, The tragic mass shooting in Monterey Park, California, claiming 10 lives at a Lunar New Year celebration, is deeply upsetting. We mourn the lives lost, and we extend our compassion and sympathy to theContinue Reading

High School LSA Dance Baile

High schoolers are invited to attend our upcoming Latinx Student Alliance Baile! It will be this Friday, December 9th in the cafeteria. Tickets are $8 and you can buy them during advisement in Mr. Saller’s room 222 with Ms. PadillaContinue Reading

Student Feature: The doctors are in, but they need your dead machines.

If you have dead machines at home, send them in. The doctors are in.  DCIS Sophomores, Ian and Cade, spent time exploring the world of open-source operating systems to cure their summer boredom. Their research has led them to imagineContinue Reading

Reminder: Collaborative School Committee Meeting Tonight at 5:30PM!

The Collaborative School Committee (CSC) is a community-based team made up of students, staff, parents, and the principal that measure progress of a school’s goals, provide feedback on processes, solve problems, and establish guidance on budget. The first 15 minutesContinue Reading